
Mobile matters…now more than ever.

April 27, 2024

In my current set of blog posts about how the world has changed, one of the points I make has to do with the pervasiveness of mobile devices and what you can do with them now. The technology advances in smartphones, mobile processing power, 4G, 5G, and manufacturing practices has brought the cost of these ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #MidMarket #MobileMatters #TheWorldHasChanged

The world has changed…(Part 2)

April 22, 2024

Last week I began my exploration of how the world has changed by taking a look at the change in demographics and technology. You can read that here if you missed it. I am picking up the conversation looking at investment trends focused on digital transformation – while investment is forecast to increase, I believe ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #Help #MidMarket #TheHelpYouNeed #TheWorldHasChanged

The world has changed… (Part 1)

April 16, 2024

I mentioned this in my post last week. It’s a big claim and there is no shortage of articles across the internet that make the same claim. Politics, economics, covid, technology, to name a few sources, have all contributed to the sense of change that we feel as humans. I read some of the articles ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #Help #MidMarket #TheHelpYouNeed #TheWorldHasChanged

Why we started 8 Penny Labs

April 8, 2024

During the summer of 2018, I had the good fortune to share a meal with an old friend and colleague of mine. Someone that I worked with and trusted. We had lunch at a waterfront restaurant in Plymouth, MA with our wives – the location and company were both wonderful. The conversation was wide in ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #MidMarket #TheWorldHasChanged

What’s in a name?

April 2, 2024

People have asked me how I came up with the name and what it means.  If you are also wondering, here it is…  First, “Eight Penny”: Have you ever noticed or participated in any wood-based construction?  If you have, you may have noticed that nails sizes are measured in “pennies”.  This measurement standard goes back ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #MidMarket #TheWorldHasChanged #WhatsInAName