
Choosing your most productive way forward.

November 19, 2024

As a builder of software tools for over 20 years now, one of the most common questions I get asked is: “How do I decide which features to build into my software and which to leave out?” In one way, the question is very simple to answer: “Build it if you can produce an ROI ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #MidMarket #Value

Better, Faster, Cheaper – Why Choose?

October 28, 2024

“Better, faster, cheaper: you must pick two, you can’t have all three.” I remember hearing this in my early days in technology. I heard it from “authorities” in the industry and liked the way it sounded. Why did I like it? Because it gave me an excuse – it let me, and everyone else, off ...Read More

#8PL #CX #DX #MidMarket #TheHelpYouNeed

Mobile applications are a competitive requirement.

October 7, 2024

Over the last several weeks, I have offered my thinking on the current state of competition in the global marketplace today – and we are all a part of that marketplace – and the role that digital transformation plays in our competitiveness. For more background, in June, I published my take on Competing in the ...Read More

#8PL #CX #DX #MidMarket #MobileMatters

What is digital transformation?

September 30, 2024

What is digital transformation? As with most concepts, the interpretations we all make will vary based on our background and what we are hearing from various sources. I think the truth is, digital transformation in one company is going to be very different from a digital transformation in company in a different industry. One size ...Read More

#8PL #CX #Digital #DX #MidMarket #MobileMatters

What is your competition up to now?

September 23, 2024

Last week we began taking a look at how large global companies are affecting the market for all industries and all segments and how this changes the competitive landscape for all businesses – regardless of size and product mix.  To get caught up, you can find that post here. So, what does your digital customer ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #CX #Digital #MidMarket #MobileMatters

Who is your competition and where are they?

September 16, 2024

I have two very seemingly simple questions that I have titled this post with: Who is your competition and where are they? Seems like there should be an obvious answer. For many of us, there is an obvious answer, but is it a complete answer? Let’s take a look and see where we end up. ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #CX #Digital #MidMarket

Some tips for building “adoptable” software

September 9, 2024

In part one of this article, we began our discussion regarding building adoptable software. I claimed that there are biological mechanisms at play that can’t be ignored if you want to successfully launch your application. To get caught up, check it out here. Below are just some approaches you can include in your software development ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #CX #Digital #DX #FieldNotes

Software Adoption – It’s in your head!

August 23, 2024

Why do businesses build digital tools for their employees, customers, and vendors? This isn’t a trick question. Hint: This is kind of like asking “Who is buried in Grant’s tomb?” Answer: So they will use them. We have just completed a couple of blog posts on how to build the tools for your customers that ...Read More

#8PL #CX #DX #Help #MidMarket

Can software be “intuitive”?

August 12, 2024

Let me state from the start that I am currently a Mac user. I began using Apple products about 20 years ago. It was a slow progression into the Apple domain. It started with an iPod, then an iPhone, an iPad (or 3), and eventually to a MacBook Air, followed by MacBook Pros and now ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #CX #Digital #MidMarket

Do you know what’s obvious to your customers?

July 30, 2024

This week we are building on last week’s blog post: Software requirements can’t be gathered. If you haven’t read that post, I recommend reading it prior to this week’s post – it will give you some needed background for why this week’s topic is both relevant and not obvious…see what I did there. The notion ...Read More

#8PL #CustomSoftware #Digital #MidMarket

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